Chord Detector

by Indie IT

Music & Audio

0.99 usd

This cool piece of software helps you play along with your favorite songs.

Chord Detector uses a sophisticated approach to detect chords in your devices microphone signal. It monitors a set of virtual strings that vibrate according to the frequencies present, making chord suggestions based on the vibration.Chord Detector now supports high density screensFixed layout problems on larger screen types

Read trusted reviews from application customers

The app couldn't pick up music through my android phone mic at a level that made it function. I sent an email through their support link but got a 550 error, "No such recipient here". Some people have reported good results, but it won't work for me and support seems non-existent. I'll be uninstallimg this and though it's not much money will look for a refund.

Thomas Cordery

Works most of the time. Most major and minor chords recognized. Has some problems with 7th chords. Wish it were more accurate but very good for 2 bucks.

Gary Yates

I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but it seems to work just fine.

Ben E. Brady

at first i was amazed. but when i sit on a piano and test it for myself, it has some issues in detecting inversions. i promice i will give one star for each update coming. :)

samuel gebru

Recognizes 8/10 chords. Struggles with D7 really bad. There are some alignment issues on the Galaxy Nexus too.

A Google user

Simple layout and works like a charm!!

A Google user